En smakebit på søndag – Queen of Babble Gets Hitched


Den norska bokbloggaren “Flukten fra virkeligheten” har varje söndag en rolig liten utmaning där man ska skriva ner en liten smakbit av boken man läser för tillfället. Just nu läser jag ”Queen of Babble Gets Hitched” av Meg Cabot.

Things are looking up at last for Lizzie Nichols. She has a career she loves in the field of her choice (wedding gown restoration), and the love of her life, Jean-Luc, has finally proposed. Life’s become a dizzying whirl of wedding gown fittings—not necessarily her own—as Lizzie prepares for her dream wedding at her fiancé’s château in the south of France.

But the dream soon becomes a nightmare when the best man—whom Lizzie might once have accidentally slept with…no, really, just slept—announces his total lack of support for the couple, a sentiment seconded by the maid of honor; Lizzie’s Midwestern family can’t understand why she doesn’t want to have her wedding in the family backyard; her future French in-laws are trying to lure the groom back into investment banking; and Lizzie finds herself wondering if her Prince Charming really is as charming as she once believed.

2068676”Fine,” the homeless guy says with a sniff. ”Be that way, bitch.”
My eyes fill with tears. I’m not a bitch! I’m not! Any more than Ava Geck is a skanky crack whore. Any more than Chaz Pendergast is in love with me. Oh, why did he have to say that, anyway? Why does he have to be so mean? After having gotten those beautiful roses, I’d been completely ready to forgive him for all the nast things he’d said yesterday morning.. and then he’d had to go and say that.
…the girl I’ve finally realized I’ve always been in love with… who I was beginning to think just might love me back…

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