Bokvänspaket #12

Nu är det ju juni och det innebär bland annat ett nytt bokvänspaket. Den här gången hade vi tema resor/semester och vill ni se vad jag skickade till Tina kan ni göra det här. Mitt paket dök upp strax innan midsommar och innehöll detta:

*Boken Someone Else’s Summer av Rachel Bateman. Helt okänd för min del men den släpptes för drygt två år sedan och är en young adult. Handlingen ska utspela sig kring en road trip så det kan ju bli intressant! 3,85 har den i alla fall i betyg på Goodreads.

*En liten tavla med texten ”You are just my type”.

*Ett par påsar grönt te.

STORT TACK till Tina för det här paketet! Jag hoppas jag hinner läsa boken under sommaren och ser redan fram emot nästa paket som kommer i augusti.

Waiting on Wednesday: The Way Back to You

New WoW

”Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

Den här boken tycker jag låter lite intressant, särskilt med en road trip. Den släpps i alla fall lagom till sommarläsningen, närmare bestämt den 3 maj.

22440677Six months ago, Ashlyn Montiel died in a bike accident.

Her best friend Cloudy is keeping it together, at least on the outside. Cloudy’s insides are a different story: tangled, confused, heartbroken.

Kyle is falling apart, and everyone can tell. Ashlyn was his girlfriend, and when she died, a part of him went with her. Maybe the only part he cares about anymore.

As the two people who loved Ashlyn best, Cloudy and Kyle should be able to lean on each other. But after a terrible mistake last year, they’re barely speaking. So when Cloudy discovers that Ashlyn’s organs were donated after her death and the Montiel family has been in touch with three of the recipients, she does something a little bit crazy and a lot of out character: she steals the letters and convinces Kyle to go on a winter break road trip with her, from Oregon to California to Arizona to Nevada. Maybe if they see the recipients—the people whose lives were saved by Ashlyn’s death—the world will open up again. Or maybe it will be a huge mistake.

With hundreds of miles in front of them, a stowaway kitten, and a list of people who are alive because of Ashlyn, Cloudy and Kyle just may find their way to back to her…and to each other.