En smakebit på søndag: Silver Linings Playbook


Den norska bokbloggaren “Flukten fra virkeligheten” har varje söndag en rolig liten utmaning där man ska skriva ner en liten smakbit av boken man läser för tillfället. Just nu läser jag bland annat ”Silver Linings Playbook” av Matthew Quick och här är min smakbit.

The Silver Linings Playbook is the riotous and poignant story of how one man regains his memory and comes to terms with the magnitude of his wife’s betrayal.

During the years he spends in a neural health facility, Pat Peoples formulates a theory about silver linings: he believes his life is a movie produced by God, his mission is to become physically fit and emotionally supportive, and his happy ending will be the return of his estranged wife, Nikki. When Pat goes to live with his parents, everything seems changed: no one will talk to him about Nikki; his old friends are saddled with families; the Philadelphia Eagles keep losing, making his father moody; and his new therapist seems to be recommending adultery as a form of therapy.

When Pat meets the tragically widowed and clinically depressed Tiffany, she offers to act as a liaison between him and his wife, if only he will give up watching football, agree to perform in this year’s Dance Away Depression competition, and promise not to tell anyone about their “contract.” All the while, Pat keeps searching for his silver lining.


”Knowing that Nikki does a big unit on Hemingway every year, I ask for one of Hemingway’s better novels. ”One with a love story if possible, because I really need to study love – so I can be a better husband when Nikki comes back,” I tell Mom.
When Mom returns from the library, she says that the librarian claims A Farewell to Arms is Hemingway’s best love story. So I eagerly crack open the book and can feel myself getting smarter as I turn the first few pages.”

2 reaktioner till “En smakebit på søndag: Silver Linings Playbook

  1. Flott smakebit, kanskje spesielt siden jeg har lest A Farewell to arms, så jeg kan forstå hva bibliotekarene mener. Dette er en film jeg kan tenke meg å se. Liker du boken?

  2. Den här är jag onekligen väldigt nyfiken på! Hoppas jag kan ta mig an den någon gång i sommar :)


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