Book Blogger Hop: January 24th – 30th

Så var det dags för veckans Book Blogger Hop!

En väldigt rolig fråga den här veckan! Nej, jag har aldrig pratat med någon främling om böcker, oavsett om jag ser att de läser eller ej. Jag skulle inte själv uppskatta om någon störde mig i min läsning eller hade åsikter eller annat kring det jag läste och det är väl helt enkelt därför jag inte gör det. Det känns lite påfluget.

Har ni pratat med främlingar om böcker?

Book Blogger Hop: January 3rd – 9th

Nu tycker jag att det är dags för veckans Book Blogger Hop!

Det enkla svaret här är nej, jag har aldrig några nyårslöften. Jag kan däremot sätta upp mål att sträva efter under det nya året men det är absolut inga ”måsten”. Om några dagar kommer jag att börja på en ny arbetsplats och dessutom dagtid så i år har jag inga som helst krav på bloggandet. Det blir vad det blir och jag hinner det jag hinner.

Har ni några nyårslöften kring bloggandet eller läsningen?

Book Blogger Hop: December 27th – January 2nd

Det är dags för Book Blogger Hop, och det är verkligen på håret att jag hinner med denna omgång. Det var ett tag sedan jag var med men nu så!

Ja, jag fick inga böcker eller så i julklapp, vilket inte är så konstigt då vi knappt köper till oss vuxna. Jag har inte heller gjort några mellandagsreafynd. Jag är väldigt sugen på att köpa lite böcker men än så länge har jag inte kommit längre än att jag har varit sugen.

Har ni bokshoppat inför jul och nyår?

Book Blogger Hop #14

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

September 6th – 12th: What got you started as a blogger? Everyone has a story/reason, what’s yours? (submitted by)

Oh, I started blogging nine years ago because I’ve always loved to write. I wanted to write about stuff in school and about my friends and so on – like a diary. Since then I’ve had a lot of different blogs, from personal to cooking to travels and books. This blog I created in january 2012 because I wanted some place to write down my thoughts about the books I was reading.

What’s your story?

Book Blogger Hop #13

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

August 23rd – 29th: Book blogging is more than just reading. Who helped you set up or run your blog? Or did you do it all yourself? (submitted by Kero)

I have done everything myself! I got some help with the name of the blog and my fiancé is sometimes helping me to pick winners in the competitions I have but basically I do everything myself.

Book Blogger Hop #11

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list here and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

June 28th – July 4th: So would you read a book just because of the hype? (submitted by Aloi)

No, not just because of it. If there’s hype it has to be a reason for the hype. Of course I want to read a book that everyone loves. There’s a huge chance that I’ll love it too. But it also has to be a book that I find interesting and want to read. I don’t pick up every book that people recommend because then I wouldn’t have anything else to do.

Book Blogger Hop #10

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list here and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

June 21st – June 27th: When you are writing your reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you are completely done with the book? (submitted byElizabeth)

Mostly, I start the review as I’m reading the book. I write down important things to remember and get the links to the book shops. Things like that. I don’t write my opinion about the book ‘til I’m finished with it, though.

Book Blogger Hop #9

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list here and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

June 14th – June 20th: What is your favorite genre? (genre that you read the most) – Recommend a book! (submitted by Tanya)

Well, I read a lot of books in different genres and I think that poetry is the only genre that I really don’t like. But if I have to pick ONE favorite it has to be crime. I’ve read crime since I was 12 or something and I won’t stop. I love the mystery, the chasing and the detectives.

I recommend these books if you like crime novels:
– Mercy (or The Keeper of Lost Causes) by Jussi Adler-Olsen
– The Hypnotist by Lars Kepler
– The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri
– Angels & Demons by Dan Brown

These are all the first book in the series but not necessarly the best one ;)

Book Blogger Hop #8

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list here and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

May 31st – June 6th: What is your favorite series that you’ve finished all the books (more than 3 books) to? (submitted by Tanya)

I recently read the fifth book in the Department Q-series by Jussi Adler-Olsen, a danish crime author. I really like the series and I think there’s more books coming out. At least I hope so ;)

The books are about the police Carl and his colleagues Rose and Assad in Copenhagen Police. They have ended up in department Q where they trying to solve old cases. Every book has one mystery to solve and you also get to know the characters.

Book Blogger Hop #7

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list here and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

May 17th – 23rd: What is your guilty pleasure read?

Hm, I don’t know! Maybe the Fifty Shades-trilogy or Twilight. I read Twilight recently and had very low expectations but I actually got surprised.

What is yours?